Thursday 5 January 2017

CB Radio Lingo

CB Radio Lingo

One of the original attractions of CB Radio for most people was the use of a special language on the airwaves.  Taking its roots from the traditional radio communications used by the military and other forces, Citizen Band is peppered with terms and words not found elsewhere.  Alongside the general 'slang' used there ae also meanings behind a lot of the 'codes' used in communications. 
Most of us would have come across some of the '10-code' but perhaps fewer would know the definition of many of the Q-codes used by many CB Breakers.  Many of the old terms are not widely used any more and many of them only really remain relevant to the our US counterparts but it would be useful for any who are coming to CB Radio for the first time to understand some of the terminology used.
Below are a few examples of some of the CB Slang which I still hear in use today with some attempt at a definition.  As both the 10 codes and Q codes cover quite a broad array of communications I will create separate posts for each of these which will be linked from here.
These ae completely random terms please feel free to add a comment to add your favourite CB Slang terms!

What's your Handle?
Example:- 'What's your handle there, good buddy?'

Handle refers to your radio call-sign.
CB Radio users would give themselves a nickname or special call sign to identify themselves on the airwaves without disclosing personal details.  This was more relevant in the days when the use of CB Radio was illegal.

What's your Personal?
Example:- 'What's your personal there, good buddy?'

'Personal' refers to your personal name (first name).
CB Radio users DO not usually share their real details unless specifically asked. 
It is the CB Radio equivalent of just asking someone's name.

What's your twenty?
Example:-"What's your twenty there, good buddy?'

'twenty' comes from the Ten-code 10-20 meaning 'what is your location?'
It is the CB Radio equivalent of just asking where someone is transmitting from

You running mobile or homebase?
Example:- 'You running mobile, there good buddy'?

Running mobile means having a CB Radio set up in a car
Running Homebase means having a CB Radio in a static location

What are you running?
Example:- "What are you running there, good buddy?'

Also - 'What ae your operating conditions?' or 'What is your station?'
What equipment are you using?  What CB Radio and aerial are you using?

How many candles are you burning?
Example:-'How many candles are you burning there good buddy?'

How many candles refers to 'how many candles would you have on a birthday cake?'
It is the CB Radio equivalent of just asking how old you are.

How many How many Whiskeys are you burning?
Example:- 'How many Whiskeys are you burning there, good buddy?

'Whiskeys' refers to 'Watts'. 
How many Watts are you transmitting or Are you using a burner (amplifier)?

Am I getting out?
Example :- "Am I getting out?'

Am I getting out? - is anyone receiving my transmission?

How am I hitting you? Or 'How am I getting to you?'
Example:- How am I hitting you there good buddy?

'How well are you receiving me?' or 'I request a radio report'

 Break, Break
Breaker One Nine
Example :- 'Break, Break'

'I am breaking channel to see if it is in use'

One Nine for a copy
Any breaker on the One nine
Any copy on the One Nine
Example:- 'One nine for a copy'

I am transmitting on Channel 19 is anyone receiving?

Do you copy?
Example:'Do you copy?'

 Do you copy-  Are you receiving clearly?

Pick a Window'
Example: 'Pick a Window''

Which channel would you like to continue communication on?  

'Go up One' or 'Go down one' or Go to [Channel number]
Example: 'Go down one'

Move to the channel below / above this / specified channel  

Example 'I'm heading down the superslab towards my home twenty'

I am driving home on the motorway

Catch you on the Flip-flop
Example:- 'Catch you on the Flip-flop'

I will try and speak to you again on my return journey

'On the side' or 'Side'
Example :- "On the side!"

I wish to interrupt your broadcasts or I wish to communicate with operators on this frequency

'Pay the water bill'  or 10-100
Example :-'Going 10-100'

I am going to the restroom

Smokey Bear
Example :- 'I've got smokey bear in my mirror so I better slow down!'

Smokey Bear - Police Officer

Bear Bite
Example:- 'I got a bear bite on the way to work yesterday!'

Bear Bite - Speeding Ticket

Ten Four
Example:-'That's a big Ten Four Good Buddy!

Ten Four - Yes, Affirmative, Recieved

Example:-' Roger that Good Buddy!'

Roger - Affirmative or Recieved 

Example:- 'Come back to me again with your last over'

Please repeat your last transmission

Example:- 'I need to go now because my ankle-biters are giving me trouble'

Ankle-biter refers to a child. 
'my ankle-biters are giving me trouble' - my children are misbehaving

Please feel free to add additional CB Radio slang in the comments below ;)
Check out:-
for over 1800 CB Terms

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1 comment:

  1. 10-1 : weak signal
    10-9 : repeat last transmission (often said as, "give me a 9")
    10-10 : goodbye
    10-33 : emergency
    10-36 : correct time

    Seat cover : girlfriend / partner / passenger

    Wrapper : car (what kind of wrapper are you in?)

    Rig : CB radio set

    Twig : CB antenna

    Flip side : return journey

    73s & 88s : Best regards, hugs and kisses

    Down and gone : going off air
